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​Speakers 講者

Opening Address

9:35  – 9:45 

Prof. Chetwyn CHAN 
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Ms. Hannah Hau-yu YIP

Professor Chetwyn Chan is Vice President (Research and Development) and Chair Professor of Psychology, at the Education University of Hong Kong. He is Peter T. C. Lee Endowed Chair Professor of Psychology. Professor Chan has been an elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association since 2008 and Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society since 2007. In 2011, he received the Alumni Honour Award from the University of Alberta to recognize his influence on research and education development in rehabilitation in Asia. In 2018, Professor Chan and his research team won the First Prize in Science and Technology from the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. In 2019, his research team won the Second Class State Scientific and Technology Progress Award from the State Council of the People’s Republic of China in recognition of his research work. Professor Chan’s research focuses on exploring human learning mechanisms, particularly perceptual and cross-modal learning, attention and processing speed employing brain imaging, electroencephalogram, and behavioral methods. He also applies the mechanisms to understand people with disabilities and older individuals’ behaviors and design interventions to enhance individuals’ functional capabilities. He published more than 200 research papers and secured more than $20 million in competitive research and development grants. Professor Chan is chief specialty editor of Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science and associate editor of the Journal of Sports and Health Science. 陳智軒教授現任香港教育大學副校長,主管科研及整體大學發展。陳教授也同時是利定昌心理學講座教授。 陳教授至今已發表逾二百篇學術文章,獲批的研究、發展及顧問經費高達五千萬港元。研究重點是探索人類學習機制,特別是利用腦成像、腦電圖和行為方法研究感知和跨模式學習。他還應用這些機制來瞭解殘疾人和老年人的行為,並設計干預措施以提高個人的功能。陳教授及其研究團隊於二零一八年獲中國康復醫學會頒授科學技術獎一等獎。翌年,他及其研究團隊更獲中華人民共和國國務院頒發之國家科學技術進步獎二等獎。此外,陳教授亦獲選為美國心理學會院士及香港心理學會院士。他亦是《Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science》的主編及《Journal of Sports and Health Science》的副主編。

Assistant Director (Rehabilitation & Medical Social Services), Social Welfare Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區政府 社會福利署 助理署長 (康復及醫務社會服務)

Keynote Address

9:45  – 11:05 

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Prof. Gwynnyth LLEWELLYN

Professor Emerita Gwynnyth Llewellyn is Co-Director NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Disability and Health and Head, WHO Collaborating Centre for Strengthening Rehabilitation Capacity in Health Systems at the University of Sydney, Australia. Prof Llewellyn was educated at the University of Sydney and the University of New England. Initially trained as an occupational therapist, Prof Llewellyn has qualifications in education and social sciences. She has published widely on health and disability and has a particular interest in disability and health inequities in low-and middle-income countries, and the use of the ICF in health and social services internationally.

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Dr. Escorpizo has expertise in work disability, instrument development and validation, and the ICF. He participated in the development of the Clinical Practice Guideline for Work Rehabilitation and recently served in the ICF- Pain Task Force of the International Association for the Study of Pain, the International SCI Community Study, and the ISCOS Core Data Set Committee for Vocational Rehabilitation. Dr. Escorpizo is the inaugural Section Chief Editor of "Disability, Rehabilitation, and Inclusion" of the journal Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences. He co-developed the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ), a questionnaire used in rehabilitation settings and translated in multiple languages.

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Prof. Zhuo-ying QIU

Qiu Zhuoying, Ph.D. is leading scholar in the fields of disability and rehabilitation specializing in the fields of WHO International Classifications (ICD-11 and ICF), psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation, disability statistics and policy research. He is the Co-chair of WHO-FIC CC in China, voting member of WHO-FIC FDRG (2006-now). He had participated in many international projects in the fields of disability and rehabilitation. He is the coordinator of WHO ICF Chinese version (1998-2001), member of the international editorial committee of the WHO World Report on Disability (2007-2011), member of WHO Guideline Development Group of Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation in Health System (2015-2017). 邱卓英博士是國際殘疾和康復領域的引領學者,擅長世界衛生組織國際家族分類 (ICD-11和ICF)、心理、社會和職業康復、殘疾統計和政策研究。他是WHO-FIC中國合作中心聯合主任,WHO-FIC FDRG的投票成員 (2006年至今)。他先後參與完成了世界衛生組織殘疾和康復領域的多項重要的國際項目。他是WHO ICF中文版的協調人(1998-2001),WHO《世界殘疾報告》國際編委員會成員(2007-2011),WHO《健康系統中的康復》康復指南發展小組成員。 (2015-2017)。

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Dr. Pamela Pui-yu LEUNG

Chief Executive Officer, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation 香港復康會 總裁

Thematic Presentation (1):
ICF application in disability assessment and evaluation

11:20  – 12:15


Assistant Professor Sabariego in an international expert in functioning and disability measurement and contributed, as a WHO consultant, to the development, pilot testing and implementation of the WHO “Model Disability Survey” in several countries worldwide. She is currently co-head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Rehabilitation at Health Systems and head of the Rehabilitation Division, both located at the Department of Health Sciences and Medicine of the University of Lucerne in Switzerland. She also leads, together with Prof. Jerome Bickenbach, a research group on Ageing, Functioning Epidemiology and Implementation at the Swiss Paraplegic Research, in Nottwil, Switzerland.

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Dr. Xiangbing DONG

MD. Peking University Health Science Center MBA. Tsinghua University SEM More than 10 years’ experience in underwriting, claim and reinsurance 7 years’ experience in product innovation, TPA integration and life insurance operation system development Fellow of Association of Life Underwriting (FALU) Responsible for the first Critical Illness definition in China Responsible for new disability standard of insurance industry which was approved as a financial industry standard using ICF as the basic structure. 醫學博士 北京大學醫學部 MBA 清華大學經濟管理學院 10餘年核保、理賠和再保險工作經驗 7年產品創新、健康管理服務整合和保險運營系統開發推廣經驗 具有美國壽險核保師資格證書(FALU) 牽頭負責制定保險行業首個“重大疾病保險的疾病定義和使用規範” 牽頭負責制定金融行業標準“人身保險傷殘評定標準及代碼”

Mr. Mike Kwun-ting CHEUNG

Mr. Mike Cheung is Manager (Research, Advocacy, Insight and Development) of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. He is a key driver of research and application of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in the organization. He obtained his BSc from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and MPhil from the University of Hong Kong, majored in the statistics and health services research. His research interest focus on disability statistics, health policies and service effectiveness, ICF, data management and business intelligence. He has published papers in international peer-reviewed journals on ICF and rehabilitation. He actively delivers trainings and sharing of ICF to internal and external professional. 張冠庭是香港復康會經理(研究、倡議和機構發展)。他是香港復康會推動「國際功能、殘疾和健康」(ICF)研究和應用的關鍵成員。他畢業於香港科技大學和香港大學,主修統計、健康服務研究。研究範疇包括殘疾統計、健康政策與服務成效、ICF、數據管理和商業智能。他在國際期刊上發表了多篇有關ICF和康復的學術文章。他今年也積極為內部和外部的專業同工提供有關ICF的培訓和知識分享。

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Dr. Sheila PURVES

Co-chair, Advisory Committee for the International and China Programmes cum World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation 香港復康會國際及中國項目及世界衛生組織復康協作中心的委員會聯席主席 Sheila Purves 博士

Discussion Forum (1)
論壇 (1) 

12:15 - 13:00

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Mr. Hang-sau NG

Mr. Hang-Sau NG (Sau) is a registered social worker, has worked in the disability sector since 1990 and was the former Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. Sau is the Rehabilitation International Deputy National Secretary for Hong Kong SAR, China. He steers the Project Review Team of the Global Disability Development Fund and Africa Fund of Rehabilitation International. Sau is an elected member of the Management Committee of the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities (JC). He is the Convener of the Working Group on ICF of the JC. 伍杏修先生為註冊社工,自90年代起服務殘疾界別,曾任香港復康會總裁。伍先生現為康復國際總會副特區秘書,主力負責「國際殘疾發展基金」及「非洲基金」的項目審批工作。伍先生現為香港復康聯會管理委員會委員、國際功能、殘疾與健康分類系統工作小組召集人。

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Prof. Marco Yiu-chung PANG

Prof. Pang obtained his BSc in Physical Therapy and PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Alberta, Canada. He is currently a professor of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and the Director of the University Research Facility in Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience (UBSN) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His current research is focused on stroke and geriatric rehabilitation. He has published over 140 journal papers and delivered close to 150 invited lecture/workshops around the world. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, Associate Editor of Physiotherapy Canada and the President of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association.

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Dr. Pamela Sze-pui TIN
Mr. Kin Ping TSANG

Pam received her PhD from the School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong. With experience in both academic and public policy research, she is dedicated to improving health and social policies through research and advocacy to promote the holistic wellbeing of all persons in society. Pam and her team at OHKF have published high-profile policy papers on various topics ranging from primary healthcare, health workforce to health resource allocation that have put forward recommendations adopted by the government. Notably, the policy paper 'Fit for Purpose: A Health System for the 21st Century' published in November 2018 was named 'Best Policy Study/Report Produced by a Think Tank' by the University of Pennsylvania Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program '2019 Global Go To Think Tank Index'. 田博士於香港大學公共衛生學院獲得哲學博士學位。她在學術及公共政策研究領域都有豐富的經驗,致力於通過深入研究及積極倡導醫療及社會發展相關政策,促進社會全人健康。 在田博士帶領下,團結香港基金研究團隊發布數份高質量的研究報告,内容涵蓋基層醫療發展,增加醫療人手及優化醫療資源配置等多個議題。研究報告中的多項倡議獲得政府採納。她於 2018 年 11 月發布的《以人為本 縱橫整合 香港醫療體系研究報告》於美國賓夕凡尼亞大學最具認受性的「全球最佳智庫」榜中,獲選為「最佳智庫公共政策研究報告」。

Kin Ping Tsang, a retired business executive with Retinitis Pigmentosa, has been actively volunteering for patients’ groups for some decades, both in Hong Kong and internationally. In March 1995, along with fellow patients, he founded Retina Hong Kong, a self-help organisation for patients with retinal degenerative diseases; he has been the association’s serving President since then. Kin Ping is also President of Rare Disease Hong Kong (formerly known as Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases founded in December 2014), and he has been serving on the management committee of Retina International from 2000 to 2020. In 2008, he was elected to the Governing Board of the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) and was the Chair from August 2013 to July 2015. Additionally, Kin Ping is Member of Ethics Committee of the Hong Kong Doctors’ Union and an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Pharmacy. He is Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities. 曾建平先生是退休企業主管。他過去二十多年一直以志願者身份活躍於香港和國際的殘疾人倡議活動。 曾先生現任香港復康聯會副主席;聯會轄下「聯合國《殘疾人權利公約》監察及推廣委員會」召集人。他目前承擔的志願者崗位還有:香港罕見疾病聯盟會長、香港視網膜病變協會會長、香港西醫工會倫理委員會委員、香港醫務委員會業外審裁員、香港藥劑專科學院名譽院士、國際罕見疾病聯盟理事會成員、亞太罕見疾病聯盟理事等。 曾先生曾于2008年至2017年擔任國際病人組織聯盟管治委員會成員,並于2013至2015年擔任該聯盟主席。

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Dr. Karen Yu-ling HUI

Director (Rehabilitation), The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation 香港復康會總監(復康)

Thematic Presentation (2): ICF application in community services
主題分享(2):ICF 在社區服務的應用

14:30 – 15:40 

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Ms. Joanne Yuen-ting CHAN

Joanne is a Hong Kong Registered Physiotherapist. She is a community physiotherapist experienced in stroke rehabilitation, geriatric rehabilitation and patient education. She is the manager of a Day Rehabilitation and Care Center in HKSR, leading various stroke rehabilitation project. Joanne contributed in the development and implementation of ICF framework in stroke rehabilitation service. She also leads the team to provide holistic rehabilitation and care service to persons with disabilities and their care givers. 陳婉婷是香港註冊物理治療師。她是一位社區物理治療師,在老人復康、中風復康及病人教育方面經驗豐富。陳婉婷是復康會旗下一間日間復康護理中心的經理,她致力推動ICF 於中風復康的應用與發展。此外,她亦帶領團隊為殘疾人士及其照顧者提供全面性的復康及支援服務。

Mr. Kenny Chung-yuen CHAN

Kenny has over 20 years of experience in vocational training. He is an expert trainer facilitating trainees to improve their skills since he was a former Operating Officer and Service Manager in a firm, with an academic background in Adult Training & Vocational Education, Psychology, and Counselling. His specialties include train-the-trainer, creating and delivering client-centered design training programs to utilize specific tools and resources for addressing occupational needs and training gaps. As a Service Development Manager, Kenny devotes himself to working for persons with disabilities to pursue life fulfillment and make a difference in the lives of those who are often ignored. Kenny擁有超過 20 年的職業培訓經驗,他具有成人培訓及專業教育、心理學和輔導方面的背景,他的專長包括培訓導師,創建和提供以客為本設計的培訓計劃,利用不同工具和資源來解決職業技能要求和培訓需求之差距。 Kenny致力服務殘疾人士,讓他們追求豐盛的人生,使被忽視的人群在生活上有所改變。

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Ms. Mabel Ngai-kiu WONG

Mabel Wong is a PhD candidate in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a research assistant in the Department of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests cover children with autism and adolescents with subclinical depression. Currently, her research direction focuses on exploring the outcomes of an ICF-based post-stroke rehabilitation cooperating with the Cheng Tak Yim Day Rehabilitation and Care Centre. 黃藝翹女士現時是香港理工大學康復治療科學系博士研究生及香港教育大學心理學系研究助理。她的研究範疇涵蓋自閉症的兒童和亞臨床抑鬱的青少年。現時她與香港復康會鄭德炎日間復康護理中心合作,著重於探討運用「國際功能、殘疾和健康分類」中風復康服務的應用成效。

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Ms. Mary SUN

Ms. Sun has been engaged in the education and rehabilitation of special children for more than ten years, and conducts rehabilitation training in child welfare institutions, disabled people's federations, hospitals, universities, social organizations and parent groups across the country every year. Participated in the translation of a number of books such as the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (Chinese Version) and Children's Physical Therapy; and participated in the revision of the service standards for rehabilitation institutions for autistic children. 從事特殊兒童教育及復康工作十多年,每年在全國各地的兒童福利機構、殘聯、醫院、高校、社會組織及家長團體進行康復培訓工作。參與翻譯了《國際功能、殘疾和健康分類ICF(國際中文版)》、《兒童物理治療》等多部專業書籍;並參與自閉症康復機構建設標準修訂工作。

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Prof. Albert LEE

Committee Member, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation / Founding Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港復康會 委員 / 香港中文大學醫學院 賽馬會公共衛生及基層醫療學院 健康教育及促進健康中心 創始總監

Discussion Forum (2)
論壇 (2) 

15:55 - 16:40

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Ms. Yuk-mun NG

Mun is a physiotherapist dedicated of integrating rehabilitation in aged care. Her expertise lies in preventive care, rehabilitation, and wellness. As Head of Allied Health and Primary Healthcare, she leads the multidisciplinary team to build service model for various rehabilitation services and projects for persons with disabilities and chronic diseases. She formulates ICF based stroke rehabilitation service model under HKSR. Apart from this, she serves currently as a Committee Member of Community Rehabilitation and Primary Healthcare Working Group and Aquatic Physiotherapy Working Group in Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association. She is also a Committee Member of Exercise Is Medicine-HK (EIM-HK) Advisory Board. 吳玉敏是物理治療師,致力將復康融入老年護理。她的專長為預防醫學、復康和適健。作為專職醫療及基層醫療服務主管,她帶領多專業團隊為殘疾人士和長期病患者建立服務模式,制定以ICF為基礎的中風復康服務模式。除此之外,她擔任香港物理治療學會社區復康及基層醫療工作小組及水療工作小組委員。她亦是運動是良藥-香港 (EIM-HK) 顧問委員會成員。

Dr. Ivan Y.W. SU

Dr Ivan SU is a physiotherapist by profession and currently works as Head of Professional and Programme Development at SAHK and Director of the SAHK Institute of Rehabilitation Practice. He joined the Association in 1987, servicing primarily adults with childhood-onset physical and intellectual disabilities as well as community-dwelling survivors of chronic disease for more than 30 years. 黃源宏博士,本科物理治療,於1987年加入香港耀能協會,現職協會專業及程序發展總監及康復專業學院總監。過去30多年,主要從事兒童期發病肢體傷殘及智障成年人、與及成年期發病慢性疾病患者的社區康復服務。

Mr. Tony Hoi-hong CHAN

Mr. Tony Chan is a Social Worker, currently works as Service Manager of two Day Activity Centres for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. He joined Fu Hong Society and kept engaged in ICF research and development since 2017. Tony has helped the agency in formulating the ICF working guideline and creating ICF-based common documents so as to enhance trans-disciplinary collaboration. Besides, Tony is specialized in conducting staff training, nurturing colleagues in ICF technical know-how and practice with ICF service values. He has presented ICF service outcome and cultural change in the Rehabilitation International World Congress 2021 and the agency’s ICF development at HK Joint Council for People with Disabilities in 2018. 陳凱匡先生是一位註冊社工,現職智障人士日間展能中心的服務經理。自2017年,陳先生一直為扶康會研究及發展ICF,至今已制訂ICF工作指引以及構建ICF為本的共同文件,提升了跨專業之間的溝通與協作。陳先生亦專長於員工培訓,培養員工透過ICF的價值觀提供以人為本的服務。陳先生曾於復康國際2021學術研討會分享了ICF的服務成效及文化轉變,以及在2018年,於香港復康聯會分享會方發展ICF的心路歷程。

Closing Summary

16:40 - 17:00

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Mr. Benny Wai-leung CHEUNG

Chairperson, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation / Chairman, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities 香港復康會 主席 / 香港復康聯會 主席

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